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Scheelite can be used to align all the chakras by keeping you grounded through the Root chakra while, at the same time, stimulating the Crown chakra, thereby enhancing your spiritual and mental awareness. In this way, Scheelite helps in balancing your higher self with your inner self while bringing a sense of balance between both worlds. The energy of Scheelite is one that instills mental balance. It also covers the body in an energy of well- being and mental clarity, helping to find the answers you need to any questions you may have.
Scheelite also helps you so understand and get rid of any negative behaviors you may have, helping you to see the bigger picture and understand others and their motives from a place of non-judgment and understanding. Scheelite gives off a warm energy to the body - especially the heart - while opening it up to learning how to forgive and accept forgiveness. It is also a good crystal for emotional balance to keep our emotions in check during times of change and confrontation, helping you to say what needs to be said while remaining calm and detached from the situation and outcome.
As it helps to bring energy the body when you start to feel fatigued and run down, Scheelite can be used in astral travel and shamanic journeying. It is also a strong meditation stone helping you to gain the peace within to achieve these states of heightened awareness.