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The cleansing properties of lemongrass–whether in the physical, spiritual or emotional plane–are useful in rituals intended to cleanse and purify, or shed light on dark corners or hidden issues. It can also help to dissolve obstacles standing in your way, and transform negative energy into positive.


Citronella has fresh, citrusy notes that possess the remarkable ability to uplift the spirits and dispel negativity. Whether used during meditation or while engaging in creative pursuits, the scent of citronella has a clarifying effect on the mind, allowing thoughts to flow freely and effortlessly.


White Sage - White Sage is the standard sage most people think of when doing a smudging, may use saging and smudging interchangeably. Other forms of sage can also be used for the smudge stick but the scent will be different and the cleansing effect maybe not quite as pronounced as with white sage. White sage has great properties for removing negativity, cleansing, and protection. An amazing property of Sage smoke it is beneficial to breathe as it has many antimicrobial properties. 

Lemongrass, Citronella and White Sage Smudge Bundle


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