Freya is the Goddess of love and fertility in Norse mythology, and she is associated with sex, lust, beauty, sorcery, gold, war, and death. The name Freya means “Lady”, and it can, for instance, also be spelled, Freyja, Freja, Fröja, Frøya.
According to the Prose Edda, her husband is missing, which often makes her go out searching for him while weeping. The tears that fall on the ground turn into gold, while the tears that fall into the sea turn into amber, and for that reason, amber is referred to as Freya’s tears.
Freya is a very important goddess in Norse mythology, probably more than people realize, she is, according to Snorri, the highest of the Asynjur, and one could argue that her status is almost on par with Odin.
It was Freya who taught magic (Old Norse: seiðr) to Odin and the rest of the Aesir, previously it was only practiced by the Vanir. She and her father have also been appointed the high priest and priestess of sacrificial offerings.
It is not Odin, but Freya who has the first pick among all of the people who die in battle, she chooses half, for her great hall Sessrúmnir, on the field of Fólkvangr, the rest will go to Valhalla.
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